Coordinate Your Men
A lot more attention revolves around the bride’s gown and bridesmaids’ dresses than the groom’s and groomsmen suits. All they have to do is throw on a tux and call it a day, right? Well, sorry guys, not quite. The trend for men now is to add those touches, often small but classy, that complement both the bride and her bridesmaids.

Christopher Norris Photographers (top) Carol Malick Photography (left) Mak Rabbitt Photography (right)
Bow-ties and cummerbunds to match the color of the bridesmaid dresses, identical or themed cuff-links, and matching socks are all some of the most recent trends for your man and his groomsmen – all pictured below. So what do you want your men wearing?
1. Bow-Ties and Cummerbunds
2. Identical or Themed Cuff-links

Vitaliy Photography (left), Mak Rabbitt Photography (top right) and Genevieve Nisly Photography (bottom right)
3. Socks
No bride will be shown up or outshined by these moves. But in their understated way, they will reflect a thoughtfulness and togetherness so right for the big day.