Creative Ways to Send Newlyweds off With Style
The end of a wedding is the beginning of a new life for the bride and groom. With that being said, it is appropriate to a have a stylish newlywed send off. Yesterday’s custom of throwing rice has given way to new traditions. Below are a list of creative ways to send the newlyweds off to their happily ever after.

B. Frohman Imaging & Design
Some changes are for safety’s sake. Many churches allow confetti, rose petals, and birdseed to be strewn before the departing couple, but they do not allow the rice to be thrown any longer. Not because it is bad for the birds, but because people slip on rice on the sidewalk. Let’s face it: You do not want to be known as the bride whose wedding led to Grandma breaking her ankle.
Some changes are more for beauty’s sake. For example, the sending bubbles into the sky, setting light to sparklers and even, extravagantly, releasing doves into the air. | Brown Photography
When it comes to your sendoff, choices also have to be made about transportation. What kind of vehicle will carry you into your new life? Will it be decorated and if so, how? And who will drive? Most couples use a car, a limousine, a sports coupe, or an antique automobile. Others choose a slower form of transportation such as a horse-drawn carriage. Decorations are not necessary, but some choose carnations, signs, dangling tin cans or streamers to let onlookers and other cars know they have been “Just Married!”

North Island Photography and Film
Style is not everything though; there are more practical matters. Couples headed for an out-of-country honeymoon are wise to have their marriage license – signed! — and passports in hand, along with tickets and any other travel documents. The marriage license will explain the name change not reflected in the passport. Last, an umbrella stashed in the vehicle is a smart move, too, in case of an unexpected shower. Assigning these tasks to the wedding planner or a trusted friend or family member will allow you and your new husband to fully enjoy the sendoff.

Nicholas Gage Weddings