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Tips for a Perfect Fitting Suit


No matter how nice your suit or tuxedo looks on the hanger, you should also choose your formalwear for style and comfort. After all, you’ll be wearing your tux for anywhere from four to eight fun-filled hours, so above all else, you’ll want to make sure you feel comfortable and are able to move easily.

Men's Attire | OH Snap! Photography | As seen on

OH Snap! Photography

jacket and shirt

When choosing your shirt and jacket, you want to make sure that the shirt cuffs surpass the jacket sleeves by about a half an inch and that there’s no gap between your shirt and jacket collars. It’s important to feel comfortable wearing your jacket when it’s both buttoned and unbuttoned. The buttons should clasp easily, but be sure to always unclasp it before sitting down. When you button your jacket, you should easily be able to fit your hand between your shirt and jacket, though it should be snug. If you have a double-button jacket, the top button should fall at or just above your belly button, but should never be clasped. Though shoulder pads went out of everyday style back in the 80s (at least for women’s clothing) they can commonly be found in men’s suits. For a good fit, the pads should not extend past your shoulders.


Men's Attire | Sabrina Hall Photography | As seen on

Sabrina Hall Photography


Vests are an optional piece found in 3-piece suits. If you choose a more casual route of wearing a suit jacket over a button-down shirt or the more formal route of a tuxedo, you won’t have to worry about a vest. However, vests can add dimension, color, texture, and a formality to your attire that isn’t quite as formal as a tuxedo.

You know you have a good fitting vest when the buttons comfortably clasp across your chest and the bottom slightly overlaps the waistband of your pants. If the bottom of the vest fits a bit too loose, adjust the slide strap so that the bottom fits comfortably when standing and sitting. The bottom button of the vest should be left unclasped.


Odds are, you wear pants pretty much every day of your life. You know how they should fit and feel! But just in case, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Your pants should button comfortably and feel good when you sit. If your pants don’t have an adjustable strap around the waist, you can use a belt or suspenders. The hem should break just over the top of your shoes, and your jacket should cover your pants’ zipper.

Men's Attire | Klodt Photography | As seen on

Klodt Photography

tie, shoes, and socks

When it comes to accessories like your tie and socks, there are a few common fit tips you may not know. For example, your tie should be the same width as your jacket lapels – no wider, and no narrower. It should also end just above your trousers unless you’re wearing a bow-tie. If you don’t own a tie, you can rent one, but be sure that it fits snugly around your collar without hanging too low. And remember – no clip-ons!


Socks are one place where you can incorporate color and have some fun! Choose a silly pattern or vibrant color to stick out when you’re seated. While the result is bold and adventurous, it’s not obtrusive and won’t hinder your movement or upset your bride. Just remember that your socks should be long enough to cover your ankles and legs when you sit.

If you haven’t checked your shoe size in some time, have them measured by a professional. Remember that the best time to try on shoes is at the end of the day – if you’re feet swell at all, they’ll do it then. It’s definitely better for your shoes to be too roomy than too tight.

Men often get forgotten or overlooked when it comes to fashion, especially when you’re standing next to a bride! When you rely on an expert – find them here! – and use these tips to ensure the perfect fit, you can feel confident that you look as good as Ryan Gosling.

Check out some of our favorite groom and groomsmen looks on Pinterest and in our Men’s Attire blogs!


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