The History of the Wedding Cake and Wedding Cake Topper
One of the central pieces of any modern day wedding is the wedding cake. This has a long history dating back all the way to the Roman Empire. However, the wedding cake was very different back then.

Orchard Photography
The history of the wedding cake dates all the way back to the Roman Empire. At this time wedding cakes were not the sweet iced cakes that we know of today. Back then the cakes were made of a whole wheat flour. These bread cakes were then broken over the brides head and the guests of the wedding would eat the small pieces of broken break eagerly considering it good luck.
Later in the 17th century, the wedding cake became known as the bride’s pie or cake. These were typically minced pies made of sweetbreads. One of the main ingredients of these pies was a glass ring. It was believed that whichever lady found the ring would be the next women to be married.
Wedding cakes have historically been white as a universal symbol of purity.
Sleeping with the cake
Another tradition that was probably first seen in fashion in the 17th century was sleeping with a piece of cake under one’s pillow. The cake was broken into small pieces and then passed through the bride’s wedding ring. The pieces of cake were then given to the female guests who would put the pieces under their pillow when they went to sleep. It was believed that with the piece of cake under their pillow they would have a dream of the future husband.
Cake Topper

JazzyMae Photography
The wedding cake topper has a long history and has been a tradition in a wedding for a long time. It has been so long in fact that most of the details of when it started are shrouded in mystery. Yet there is no denying the significance of the wedding cake topper.
The story goes that it was first used over 100 years ago when the daughter of a baker was getting married. She asked her dad to make some symbol of the love between her and her groom that everyone could see.
After several attempts and careful deliberation, the baker finally came up with an idea. He secretly places two figurines on top of the wedding cake. One of them symbolized his daughter and the other her future husband. The baker felt this was the perfect symbol of their love and their unity.
On the wedding day, the daughter was so excited to see the cake and she was overjoyed with the beautiful gift her father had given her. The figurines stood in the center of the cake and at the center of the wedding. This showed the importance of the love between the couple!
Ever since its introduction, a topper on wedding cakes has long been a traditional symbol for married couples. These are always symbolically placed on the top of the wedding cake so that everybody can see them.
Couples have many options to choose from among various designs, colors & styles. Trying to decide what fits not only their style but their budget is something every couple must go through.
Browse through local cake specialists and get inspired by our favorite designs on Pinterest!