The Bouquet Shop is a florist who believes that creative personal designs that reflect your wedding vision, with extreme attention to detail are what make an unforgettable perfect wedding. Let them make your wedding enjoyable and worry-free. They offer free consultations to discuss your floral designs for your wedding party, ceremony, and reception. They will discuss your wedding theme and offer creative ideas that reflect your vision.
They provide complete delivery and setup to venues throughout the greater Akron, Canton, and Wooster areas.
March 2nd, 2025 – John S. Knight Center
Romantic Secret Garden Wedding
"Tom Poulson and his crew at The Bouquet Shop in Orrville are amazing. They are so talented and have a vision that turns a regular wedding venue into a beautiful oasis. The floral arrangements, bouquets, wreaths etc that they made for our daughter’s wedding were gorgeous! Colors and flower choices were perfect for a fall wedding. Tom met with the bride to hear her ideas and from one simple photo of a bouquet she liked he and his talented team created a floral masterpiece. The church was beautiful and the reception was over the top. All due to Tom and his staff working together to bring the day to a jaw dropping experience. We were beyond satisfied. Thank you Tom and your Bouquet Shop team!" -Jan M. reviewed on 11/14/2024