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Staying Positive When Everything is Going Wrong


Wedding planning is stressful and staying positive can be hard. Sometimes it can feel like there are roadblocks and detours every time you make a decision. Don’t let the little details weigh you down. We have a few tips to help you feel better about this whole wedding planning business!

get some perspective

This may seem obvious, but it is vital to keep in mind at all times: your wedding won’t be exactly as you imagine. There is always going to be something that is not perfect. Whether it be a flower girl tantrum or the napkins being the wrong shade of purple, the odds of the whole day going off with no hiccups is unlikely. You cannot plan for every potential crisis! Just keep in mind that what may seem like a huge issue is really just a small problem that likely won’t be noticed by anyone but you. As long as you and your soon-to-be spouse are there, in love, and saying your vows, the day will be worth it.

Find someone to talk to

Wedding Stress | As seen on

Don’t let problems bottle up! Find someone to vent your worries and frustrations to. If you have a supportive person in your life, let them help. It’s not always easy admitting you are having a rough time, but once you finally say out loud, you’ll feel a hundred times better. They may even have some ideas or suggestions to help come up with a solution! But even if they can’t solve the issue, it will feel great sharing the burden. Before you start venting, make sure that person doesn’t have a lot of stress in their own lives and that they’re a good listener. Choose someone who knows you will and won’t quickly get annoyed or judgmental. The last thing you want is a bridesmaid telling everyone you’re a bridezilla.

Focus on the Positive

It’s easy to say “stay positive” as an outsider in an issue. It’s not as easy to put it into practice. Especially in a world where your dress is suddenly coming in a month later and won’t be in until a week before the wedding. In dramatic situations that feel straight out of a movie, it can feel impossible to keep a smile on your face. Remember, you are never the first person to go through that situation. Positivity doesn’t mean ignoring the situation or pretending that everything is fine. It’s about recognizing that even though things aren’t going your way, there are things that are. When things go wrong, take a moment to list 5 blessings in your life or wedding to counteract the negative emotions.

Take Time for yourself

Wedding Stress | As seen on

Sometimes, you just need to step away. Take a day for yourself where you can forget all about wedding planning. Give yourself a break from the details. Do something that you love doing, whether it is taking a hike or reading a book. It’s important to take time to relax and focus on your well-being! You want to enjoy your wedding day and your engagement, but you can’t do that if you’re always tied up in knots. Plus, everything seems more catastrophic when you are stressed. A few hours away from planning will clear your head, so you will be able to have a fresh perspective on whatever problem you were solving! If you need ideas on how to de-stress, check out our list of activities!

Remember, all this stress and planning is for a day you will never forget. At the end of the day, the most important thing to keep in mind is the fact you are marrying the love of your life. No matter how many obstacles pop up, you will be with them. It will all be worth it when you see them on your wedding day.  Staying positive may seem impossible in your mind, but it’s totally do-able. You got this.

Now, go take a few minutes for yourself! Check out some of our other blogs about controlling your worries!

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