b'WEDDING PLANNER WeddingPlannersPlanning a wedding is stressful. Finding andmeeting with vendors, staying on top of payments, mastering DIY decor, and dealing with family drama is a full-time job! If you could use some help, advice, or guidance, you may want to hire a Wedding Planner. Just check out some of the roles they can play!QUESTIONS TO ASK Financial Advisor ence to make sure no detail is overlooked. WeddingPlannershaveyearsofexpe- They know the latest wedding trends, eti-rience.Fromthenumerousweddingsquette and tradition, what works and what YES NO theyve planned, theyve met various localdoesnt, and will ensure that your wedding vendorstoconnectyouwith.Whethervision is made a reality. 1. How long have you been planning events?youre trying to stay on budget, are look- Stress Relievering for a specific style, or want the best of the best, your Wedding Planner will beYour wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime 2. How many weddings do you plan per year?able to recommend some vendors. Theyevent. You want to be relaxed, excited, and may even be able to get you discounts,fully present on your wedding daynot 3. Do you have a portfolio and references?help you avoid costly mistakes, and adviserushingaroundperfectingfinaldetails you on budgeting. and taking calls from your caterer! Like-4. Can you negotiate rates with my vendors? wise, hiring a Wedding Planner will giveFairy Godmother you free time to appreciate your engage-mentinsteadofstressingovernapkin 5. Will you handle all aspect of the planning?Youhavemoreimportantthingstodo thannegotiatepackageswithvendors.colors or menu options. Plus, he or she 6. What kind of packages do you offer?You have a full-time job, a home to takewill ensure that everything gets done onFull-Service Partial Day Day-Of Power Hour care of, a social life to uphold, and a fianctimeandaccordingtoyourvision,will to adore. Planning your special day is yourhandle any crises, and will keep you and Wedding Planners full-time job! They willyour wedding party on schedule on the 7. How often will we talk/meet?dedicate all their time, ideas, and experi- wedding day.8.Will you be there the day-of? Full-Service Partial Day-Of Power HourNOTES PLANNING PACKAGESInitial consultation Idea generationBudget creationVendor suggestionsSite toursVendor selectionContractingAvailable for questions Etiquette knowledgeTimeline developmentVendor confirmationDirection of the rehearsal Distribution of timelineDon\'t forget to ask the general questions on page 7 Day-of coordination *packages vary by company12 | TODAY\'S BRIDE +12 MONTHS UNTIL "I DO" 12'