b'CATERING1.Not having a budget in mind.Your cater- 5.Serving too much food at the cocktail er should be able to work with you to comehour. Serve a limited amount of appetizers upwithamenuthatpleasesyourtasteso that guests dont ruin their appetites for buds and your budget. dinner. 2.Thinking a buffet is cheaper. With a seat- 6.Requesting out-of-season dishes. Order-ed meal, there is a set amount of food pre- ingsidedishesoringredientsthatarent pared and served; you are only charged forin-seasoncandosomemajordamageto those meals. With a buffet, caterers oftenyour budget. cook too much food and welcome guests to7. Orderingtoomuchdessert.Notevery seconds, which can cost you more money.guestwilleatcak e,butwerecommend3.Not thinking about the kids.Offerop- ordering at least one piece of cake for each tions like mac and cheese, chicken tenders,guest. If you opt to have a dessert station or pizza to satisfy the children at your wed- with cookies, cupcakes, candies, and other ding (and their parents). treats, you can offer less cake. 4. Notofferingafilling vegetariandish.8.Not planning for leftovers. Ask your ca-Your RSVP should include a space for gueststereriftheyreresponsiblefordisposing to mark any dietary restrictions they have.of the extra food. If youve already paid for Be sure to offer at least one hearty dish thatit, you should take advantage of the extra isntmeat-based.Servingsouporpastafoodbypassingoutanyleftoverstoyour will fill up your vegetarian guests withoutguests, wedding party, donating it, or freez-too much awesomeness breaking the budget.ing it for yourself. TELL VENDORS YOU SAW THEIR AD INTODAYS BRIDE | 4948 49'