b'CateringCATERINGby the numbersAll Photos: Genevieve Nisly PhotographyQUESTIONS TO ASK Sometimes, leftovers are even better than the meal; but if you leave for your honeymoon right after your reception, you wont get to enjoy them! WhenyoufirstmeetwithyourCaterer,youllprobablyonlyOrdering just the right amount of food will ensure that you dont miss out careaboutthewaythefoodtastes.Whilethatiscertainlyon any leftovers (and that your fridge wont be stuffed when you return).important, there are a few other details you should ask before booking. }YES NO APPETIZERS 6 pieces per guest1. How do you charge?}2. Do you offer special dietary options?3. For buffets, are the portions fi ed?ENTRE 1.5 servings per guest 4. Is clean-up included?}5. Can you customize a menu?SIDE DISHES 1.5 servings per guest6.Do you offer free tastings? 7. What kind of services are available? Visit TodaysBride.com/food for more info on catering.Seated Family Style Buffet Stations Food Truck 8. What is the server-to-guest ratio? TABLE SETTING9. Do you offer cake-cutting services? NOTESDon\'t forget to ask the general questions on page 746 | TODAY\'S BRIDE 8-12 MONTHS UNTIL "I DO" 46'