BUTTERCREAM is the tradi- tional type of icing used to frost birthday cakes and other conventional desserts. A classic buttercream recipe calls for powdered sugar, butter, milk, and vanilla extract. Many cake enthusi- asts would agree that they’re team buttercream because of its flavor and texture, making the cake easier to cut compared to fondant. However, if you’re planning on having an outdoor summer wedding, this soft selection might not be the best for you, as it tends to melt in warm temperatures. FONDANT has a thick, mod- eling clay-like consistency with a smooth finish that envelops wedding cakes perfectly. Made from sugar, hot water, and corn syrup, fondant is typ- ically rolled thin and draped over the cake. It can be sculpted into other deco- rative elements — like flowers or figurines — aswell!Fondanttendstobeusedtocreateaflaw- less finish with sharp, dramatic lines, or soft, rounded edges. This frosting’s strength is also its weakness, though: the texture isn’t agreeable to every couples’ tastes. MARZIPAN icing can be rolled and draped over cakes just like fondant can; the difference is that marzipan is made from almond paste, which has a more flexible structure. The al- monds also give the marzipan a del- icate, nutty taste. Bakers sometimes mix fondant and marzipan together to create the perfect substance of elasticity and subtle flavor. After placing marzipan onto a wedding cake, it’s important to cover it until you’re ready to serve so it doesn’t dry out. ❤ WHICH IS FOR YOU? READ MORE AT TODAYSBRIDE.COM TODAY’S BRIDE | 105