24 | TODAY’S BRIDE READ MORE AT TODAYSBRIDE.COM The Perfect Fit No matter how nice the tuxedo looks on the hanger, guys should choose their formalwear based on these standards for size and comfort: The jacket should feel comfortable at the neck and shoulders, and fasten eas- ily. Also, try standing and sitting with it buttoned. The shirt should fit snugly around the neck, shoulders, and waist. About ¼ inch to ½ inch of your shirt’s cuff should show below the jacket sleeve. Your trousers should button with ease and feel good when you sit. Many styles have adjustable waistbands, or you can opt for suspenders. The hem should break just over your shoe tops. Vest buttons should line up with the front of your jacket, and the vest should button comfortably across your chest. The bottom should slightly overlap the trouser waistband. The vest’s waist usu- ally adjusts with a slide strip for a good fit. If you haven’t checked your shoe size in some time, have them measured by an expert. Remember that the best time to try on shoes is at the end of the day, because if your feet swell at all, they’ll do it then. It's better for shoes to be too roomy than too tight. ❤ 1&2. Allure Men available at American Commo- dore Tuxedo 3. Paul Betenley available at Boumadi Men’s Clothier and Tailoring 2 3 1