1. Jamie Davis Photography 1 Your Vows Write down a list of words that immediately come to mind when you think about your loved one. Use those words as inspiration when you get stuck. TIPS ON WRITING W hen you sit down to write your vows, you may feel overwhelmed. It can be extreme- ly hard to portray the depths of your feel- ings for your soon-to-be-spouse through words and you may not know where to start. Rest assured that you’re not alone. Finding a starting point for your vows – and the right words to convey your feelings – can be one of the most difficult tasks when planning your wedding. And because it’s so meaningful, you’ll feel pressured to get it right. Here are some tips for putting what’s in your heart onto paper. Everyone suffers from writer’s block, especially when they’re first getting started. If you don’t write often, you’ll probably be a bit lost on how to begin. The best tip for anyone suffering from a block is to just write. Even if it’s not what you want to say or how you want to say it, write it down anyway. You can always go back and change it. Start writing about the first time you met each other or your first date. Write about how he or she proposed. Whatever you write may not make it into the final draft of your vows, but it will get your romantic juices flowing and allow the words to come easier to you. Write down a list of words that immediately come to mind when you think about your loved one. Use those words as inspiration when you get stuck. Your vows should reflect your relationship as a cou- ple. If you are fun-loving and goofy, don’t take it so seriously. Reference quotes from your favorite TV show or movie or funny memories you share. Answer questions like: What do you want out of life with him/her? Where do you see your relationship in 10 years? How has your life changed because of their love? What do you promise to do to make them happy for the rest of their life? How do they make you happy? How do they make you feel? What do you love most about him/her? How will you continue to show your love? If you get stuck, walk away from it to clear your head. Get some coffee, read a few chapters of a book, or fold the laundry. Clear your mind of romantic mus- ings and focus instead on the normalcy of everyday life. When you’re not thinking too hard about it, the words will come to you. Your vows should be no longer than three or four minutes. Though you may have a lot to express, try to edit out repetitive statements or unnecessary sen- tences as you read through it. One of the most impor- tant steps in writing your vows is reading them aloud. If you feel like you’re repeating the same sentiment over and over, try to condense it into one or two sen- tences. Aim for a two minute speech, but don’t talk so fast that you feel rushed. Find a comfortable speed and length for you. Writing your vows is a process, and we recommend doing it over the course of at least three months leading up to your wedding day. As you spend this time together planning your wedding, notice the lit- tle things that make you fall even more in love with them, and include those in your vows. ❤ 44 | TODAY’S BRIDE READ MORE AT TODAYSBRIDE.COM