pronouncement of marriage, first kiss, closing remarks, and recessional. Remember that this is your wedding and should celebrate you. Unless you’re getting married in a church setting, the ceremony can be ordered however you’d like and include what- ever customs, traditions, and events you’d like. Use this order of events as a guideline to cater the proceedings to your personal style. Order of the Procession It’s pretty common knowledge that the bride enters her ceremony last, but what about everyone else? Unless you’ve attended a lot of weddings, you may not know who should enter the ceremony first or in what order. Here’s a cheat sheet of the ceremony proces- sion: There are a few different options when it comes to processional style. These differences really depend on the preference of the couple. For instance, bridesmaids and groomsmen can en- ter together arm-in-arm, or the brides- maids can walk down the aisle alone. If the bride wants both parents to walk her down the aisle, she can choose to do that instead of having her mom es- corted at the very beginning. The tra- ditional processional can be followed precisely or can be used as a guide to advise you as you create your own en- trance. If you’re an LGBTQ couple, it can be difficult to decide who should be standing at the end of the aisle and who should walk down. If the tra- ditional presentation of the bride doesn’t appeal or apply to you, there are a few alternative entrances. 1&2. Genevieve Nisly Photography 3. B. Frohman Imaging & Design • Each walks down a side aisle and meet in the middle at the cere- mony site. • Walk down the aisle together, arm-in-arm. • Arrive before your guests, wel- come them and mingle. When the officiant announces the be- ginning of the ceremony, pro- ceed to the front. Everyone’s wedding day is com- pletely unique to them. As you walk down the aisle, you’ll be greeted by those who love you most, regardless of which order they enter. ❤ Alternative Entrances 2 3 READ MORE AT TODAYSBRIDE.COM TODAY’S BRIDE | 43