communication skills and lead to a stronger marriage. Plus, you’ll get to see America’s greatest sights togeth- er and appreciate the little moments – like stocking up on road trip snacks when you stop to get gas or meeting a couple who got married on the same day as you but 10 years earlier – that much more These are the stories you’ll share with generations to come. There’s no better time to create these stories than on your honeymoon. Planning is important when it comes to road tripping, so make a list of all the sights you want to see and consult with a travel agent. He or she can tell you about cute hotels, inns, and re- sorts that are along the way, and can help you map out the best route to take. Bring an old-fashioned map with you for when your GPS can’t get a sig- nal, and pack an extra car charger, just in case. Allotting a certain amount of cash to be spent on souvenirs and food can ensure that you’ll have enough for gas and hotels. Staying Local… Sometimes, long distance traveling just isn’t in the budget after planning a wedding, and that’s okay! There are plenty of adventures to be had and memories to be made close to home, and residents of Northeast Ohio couldn’t be luckier. From secluded bed and breakfasts or scenic vine- yards to thrilling amusement parks and bustling big cities, Ohio offers newlyweds a variety of destinations for their honeymoon. Check-in to a quiet inn nestled in the center of Amish Country, or spend a week hop- ping from rollercoaster to waterslide at one of Ohio’s parks perfect for the adrenaline-junkie couple. Starting off your marriage in debt because of your wedding and honeymoon expenses isn’t a great idea, so if saving some money is what’s best for you, staying local is the perfect alternative. Plus, if you forgot to pack your pajamas or toiletries, you can always make a quick stop back home to pick them up. This is also a great option for any couples who have pets and hate to leave them behind. Set up dinners at restaurants you’ve always wanted to try but never got the time, or celebrate your union at your parents’ house with your fa- vorite home-cooked meal. One packing tip you should know no matter your destination is to pack some of your clothing in your spouse’s bag. That way, if one of your bags gets lost, you’ll still have a few outfits in your partner’s bag to get you by until they can find your luggage! Your honeymoon is a beautiful way to start your marriage. Regardless of your destination, as long as you focus on each other and make time to cele- brate your love, you’ll make memories that will last a lifetime. ❤ Before you leave for a road trip, make sure your oil is changed, you have a spare tire, and your insurance is up-to-date. 114 | TODAY’S BRIDE READ MORE AT TODAYSBRIDE.COM