b'8-12 MONTHS TRAVEL & HONEYMOONWhy you shouldHave enough stuff? Addhire a travel agenthoneymoon upgradesYour honeymoon is your time to relax, unwind, and bask in the glow of your new marriage. But the burden of planning and excursions to yourcan often make it feel like just another item on the list of wedding registry! wedding tasks stressing you out. Thats where travel agents come in!When it comes to travel agents,If youve ever made travel a lot of people dont realize thatarrangements before, you know they dont charge for their that it can be stressful and over-services! Because they workwhelmingespecially if youve directly with the resorts, theynever visited the destination be-QUESTIONS TO ASK can get you the best deals, dis- fore. Between your job and the counts, and packages at no extrastresses of planning the perfectDo you charge a booking fee? Do you recommend one cost to you! Plus, they havewedding, you dont have time toWhat kind of special dealsproperty over another?experience traveling to many research resorts, book transpor-can you offer?Are you available fordestinations and know the ins- tation, and schedule excursions.Can you provide customizedquestions during our trip?and-outs of different areas andHanding all of that responsibili-trips?Do you have a honeymoon their customs. Because of thisty over to a travel agent will freeWhat travel services can registry?they can recommend hiddenyou up to focus on other wed-you book?Do you provide travelgems and fun excursions youding details. Theyll organize allHow far in advance shouldinsurance? might not find on your own, asof the confirmations, arrange- we book? Do you provide currency well as advise you on dialect,ments, activities, and details so exchange? customs, travel restrictions,that all you have to do is relax Dont forget to ask the general questions on page 4 visas, and more. and enjoy your honeymoon.106 TODAYS BRIDE|8-12 MONTHS UNTIL I DO|TRAVEL & HONEYMOON'