b'0-3 MONTHS MARRIAGE LICENSE CHAMORE CREATIONS Marriage license logisticsGetting married is a legal act, and it will require one basic detail to make your unionofficial: a marriage license. Obtaining a marriage license is a very simple procedure involv-ing only a short trip to the probate court located in your residing county courthouse.If you plan to f either you or your fianc Licenses are valid for 60 daysRequirements vary from coun- change your name,Ireside in the state of Ohio, oneonly and must be sent in with- ty to county, so if you have you will also needapplicant must provide proofin 30 days of your wedding. any further questions, call to change your:of residency in that county.After the wedding, yourthe Marriage License Depart-Social Security Card,Even though you may getofficiant will send your signedment at your issuing countys Drivers License,married in a different countylicense to the local marriagecourthouse.Bank Accounts,within Ohio, you must applylicense bureau. It is then the for the Marriage License incouples responsibility to re- To apply for yourMail Subscriptions,the county in which you live.quest a copy of their marriagelicense you will need:Voter Registration,If neither of you are a residentlicense from the court for aBirth CertificateEmployer Records,of Ohio but plan on gettingsmall fee. Photo IDUtilities, Insurance,married within the state, you Y Proof of Citizenship/ Social Media, andmust apply and get marriedou will want extra certifiedwithin the same county. If youcopies of your license. TheyllResidencyPassport.* are an Ohio resident but areneed to be submitted whenDeath Certificateapplying to change your name* Passports take about 4-8 weeksgetting married in anotherand to update your socialif widowedto process and the names onstate, you must apply in thesecurity card, drivers license,your plane ticket and passportother state. Divorce Decreemust match. Learn more aboutand passport with your newif divorcedpassports on page 108. Some counties in the state ofmarried name. Ohio do have a waiting periodPayment for feesto receive your license, so itContrary to popular belief, a(accepted form ofwould be wise to apply a fewblood test is not required inpayments vary from weeks early. Ohio. county to county)182TODAYS BRIDE|0-3 MONTHS UNTIL I DO |MARRIAGE LICENSE'