b'Trending now: bridesmaid proposals! You said Yes, so now its your turnto pop the question. Bridesmaidproposal gifts are a great way toexpress your appreciation for yourgirls and celebrate this milestonein your friendship.pick out the dress or helping torate days. Being a bridesmaid is choose the cake flavors. Or, ita huge time commitment! ButFIELDS + FRECKLES PHOTOGRAPHYcould be something a little as a member of the wedding less fun, like doing DIY crafts or party, you need to do your best calling guests who havent yetto show up. If you do have a RSVPed. prior engagement, let the bride Be a sounding boardknow far in advance that you The bride has been planningwont be able to make it, so she this day since childhood. Withcan make arrangements if need Pinterest, Instagram influencers,beincluding possibly finding and bridal magazines, shes like- a new bridesmaid! MARISSA CAMINO PHOTOGRAPHY ly to have inspiration overload!Keeping the bride saneListen to her ideas and offerThe most important task of a your opinions and advice, butbridesmaid is to calm the brides be gentle and read the contextnerves, to ease her fears and clues. If she seems genuinelystresses, to keep her sane. Youll excited about an idea that youremost likely have to deal with not fond of, be supportive. Justsome bridezilla moments. As because something is not youra true friend, youve probablyLAURA KELLY PHOTOGRAPHYSTEWART LEISHMAN WEDDING PHOTOGRAPH style doesnt mean its not a val- seen her break down before and id idea. Also, if she needs adviceknow the best ways to comfort on how to deal with her nosyher. Dealing with some scream-mother-in-law or just needs toing or comforting a bride in vent, offer a listening ear andhysterics is part of the job a shoulder to lean on. Mostdescription. Try not to let her importantly, keep whatever sheoutbursts get on your nerves says to yourself. You dont wantor stress you out. Keep calm to be the reason she has to dealand help her see what really with drama moments before hermattersthe love she has for wedding. her fianc. Attending Handling any issues that pre-wedding partiesarise on the wedding day Emergencies excluded, thereIf the bride chooses not to hire is no excuse for missing thea day-of planner, this respon-pre-wedding parties. Thesesibility falls to the parents and include: the bridal shower,wedding party. If a vendor bachelorette party, weddingneeds directions, if it starts to dress shopping trips (if invit- rain, if the rings are lost or the ed), bridesmaid dress shoppingbride gets cold feet, it is up to trips, ceremony rehearsal, andyou to come up with a solution rehearsal dinner. The majorityand communicate it to theKILLIAN ROSE PHOTOGRAPHYof these events happen on sepa- proper people.34TODAYS BRIDE|12+ MONTHS UNTIL I DO|BRIDESMAIDS'