b'DAKAI PHOTOGRAPHYOFF PATH PHOTOGRAPHYOTHER STATIONERYThere is so much stationery to explore besides the obvious: invitations. From save-the-dates to pew cards to menus toDANA CUBBAGE WEDDINGS thank-yous, heres our breakdown of the whats and whens of wedding stationery to get your guests to and through your celebration. Get started with. for includes a welcome sign or Engagement party invites, save- a request that guests keep their the-dates, and bridal showerphones away and leave the pho-invites. For engagement parties,tography to the photographer.invites should be sent eightAt the reception.to six weeks in advance andYoull need escort cards, place include the when and where.cards, table numbers, menus, Save-the-dates should be sentand more! Escort cards help nine to six months in advancedirect guests to their assigned and mention the location oftablesand many couples now-your wedding, link to your wed- adays are opting for a decorative ding website, and mention thatdisplay with everyones names a formal invitation will follow.and tables rather than individ- MEGAN STOTTS PHOTOMANGO STUDIOS Bridal shower invites typicallyual cards. Place cards designate come two to three months ina guests seat along with their advance and should include thetable. Other signage you might when and where, theme, andwant to include could designate your registry. where the favors are, list the At the ceremony. signature cocktail, or remind You might want programs, pewguests to use the couples cards, and signage. A programhashtag in their photos. includes the who, what, when,Dont forget the thank-yous!and where of your ceremony,Engagement party, bridal show-as well as a brief welcome ander, weddingif your guests an overview of the proceed- show up for you, say thanks! ings. Pew cards or seating cardsThese should be sent out four designate where a guest shouldweeks after your celebration, sit and can be included with thebe personalized by name, and invitation or given at the cere- include whatever gift a guest mony. Signage you might optmay have brought.SHOT BY COURT104 TODAYS BRIDE|12-8 MONTHS UNTIL I DO|INVITATIONS & STATIONERY'