b'LIGHTING LIGHT IT UPThe lighting design you choose will shape your event and set the right tone like no other element there. No matter what your theme, weve come up with an option to light your ven-ue and keep the party going, even after dark! Chandeliers Edison bulbsChandeliers can add an air ofAn Edison light bulb is trans-class and elegance to any venue.parent with visible, winding For a whimsical, romantic feel,filaments. They may be uniquely drape fabric, greenery, flowers,shaped or have an antique tint or crystals from the chandelier.to the glass. Hang bulbs individ-You could also collect chande- ually or in a bundle. The warm liers of different sizes, metals,hue will set a vintage tone at bulbs, and styles to create anyour reception.eclectic vibe. Neon signsCandles This modern and edgy lighting Candles are the ultimate moodoption will make your wed-lighting, creating a warm, cozy,ding space truly unique! Hang romantic ambiance. CombineCheers on the bar, Better shapes, sizes, and heights for aTogether above your head centerpiece, use them to lighttable, or get your new last name up your cake table, or placein lights for home decor after them along the aisle of yourthe wedding!ceremony! Use candles thatUplightingare fragrance-free so you dontTrue to their name, these lights create an overwhelmingly per- are directed upward, highlight- CINZIA BRUSCHINI fumed environment. ing walls, pillars, cakes, center-Lanterns pieces, and more. You can even Hang antique lanterns at differ- place them under tablecloths, ent levels to create an enchant- curtains, and drapery to add a ing ceiling display, or line thecolorful glow. These lights come path to your venue with vintagein a variety of colors, so you can or paper lanterns to guide thechoose a look that complements way. You can even have a heli- your color scheme or venue.um paper lantern release at yourGobo lightsreception departure!Gobo lights are stencils put over Bistro lighting a spotlight that can be projected Bistro lights are a favorite be- onto floors, walls, ceilings, or cause of their versatility! Stringeven fabric. Create a custom them above the dance floor.monogram of your name to Hang them from your table orlight up the wall behind the wall and cover with fabric for ahead table or project a design muted backdrop. The possibili- onto the dance floor! ties are endless!QUESTIONS TO ASKWhat kind of lighting What kind of requirementsoptions do you offer? do you need from our venue?Will you help with the designDo you own your ownoptions?equipment? Can you match the lightingHow much space doto our colors?you need?Have you worked our myHow do you hide cables? venue before?Dont forget to ask the general questions on page 5 JACLYN NOLIN PHOTOGRAPHY150TODAYS BRIDE|8-3 MONTHS UNTIL I DO|LIGHTING'