b'PLANNING PACKAGESIf youre asking yourself, Where do I start? or What am I missing? youre not alone. Youre a newbie at planning an event for 100+ people, but there are some people who have years of experience planning hundreds of weddings. Here are some of the ways you can take full advantage of all the wisdom and guidance a wedding planner can offer.In-house or venue coordinatorFull-service planning This type of planner comes with your venue and does very littleAlso known as all-inclusive, this planning service is exactly what it actual planning. They focus, instead, on the execution of your eventsounds like. You hire them right after your engagement, and they in regard to the venue. Theyll set up and tear down your chairsguide you through every step of the planning process. Theyll re-and tables, coordinate the venue staff, and handle the food and bar. search vendors, recommend those that fit your budget and vision, Day-of coordinatorset up appointments and venue visits, negotiate and hire vendors, Contrary to the name, this planner actually begins 2-4 weeks be- offer advice, answer questions, supply a budget, and provide fore your wedding. They will schedule a site visit and contact all ofmonthly timelines. Theyll assist with your ceremony rehearsal, your vendors to get acquainted with your plans. On the day of yourhandle set up for your ceremony and reception, keep you on sched-wedding, theyll coordinate with your vendors, direct them, assistule, arrange deliveries, manage any crises, and direct guests. They with set-up and tear-down, and keep you on schedule throughoutcan even help you obtain a marriage license and provide guidance the day. on changing your name.Month-of or partial planning Hiring a full-service planner was a no-brain-This type of service does everything a day-of coordinator does, buter for us! Our planner helped negotiate with with a few extra weeks of service. Theyll make final vendor pay- vendors to save us money and nail down the ments, schedule the day-of timeline, communicate final details totype of vendors we needed! There are an overwhelming number of vendors, determine vendor arrivals and delivery, and remind youcompanies in the industry, so it was nice to work with someone who of details you may have forgotten. could guide us to picking the most trustworthy ones to work with.- Abby Crowder(Real Wedding, page 54)WEDDING PLANNERS|12+ MONTHS UNTIL I DO|TODAYS BRIDE 15'