b'ALYSSA MATT PHOTOGRAPHYWHAT TO DO WITH FLOWERSAFTER THE WEDDINGYou may have rented your dcor, linens, chairs, and tables, and we know that all the delicious leftover cake and food arent a burden. But what are you supposed to do with your flowers? Its not like the flower shop will take them back. Here are some ways you can extend the joy of your wedding day for yourself and others!Donate them to a senior reception, ask your photogra-living home or hospitalpher to come along and capture Flowers are still good a week photos of this sentimental and or two after your wedding.emotional exchange. Or, for a Brighten someones day by more private and intimate mo-calling up local senior livingment, stop by after leaving the homes or hospitals to see if theyreception with only your new accept fresh flower donations. spouse or family members.Use them as giftsPreserve them Pass your bouquet down to yourCreate a keepsake like a shadow flower girl and gift centerpiecesbox, domed frame, rosary, or-to those who played a huge part nament, or even jewelry. Every in making your day flawless.time you see them, youll think You can even ask vendorslikeabout all the special moments your DJ, photographer, andyou had that day. If you get jew-catererif they want to take anyelry or a rosary, its the perfect home! heirloom to pass down to future Visit a loved ones gravegenerations! You can also pre-If you have a family memberserve your wedding bouquet in or friend youve lost, placingresin. This incredible preserving your bouquet on their grave istechnique creates a durable, a beautiful way to rememberunique, and even practical piece them and feel their presenceof art that will allow you to on your wedding day. If you docherish your wedding bouquet this between the ceremony andfor years to come.132 TODAYS BRIDE|12-8 MONTHS UNTIL I DO|FLOWERS'