b'WHERE TO SEARCH ONE-STOP WEDDING PLANNINGWhat is a Todays BrideComfortable shoes are a must!Signing vendorMagazines: Wedding Show all about? Also, printed address labelscontracts at the showMagazines share all theA wedding show is a fun way tothat include your name, phoneMaking a decision as big as trends, give you advice andenjoy a day out with your bridalnumber, email, and weddingbooking your wedding vendors planning tips, and are full ofparty, mom, or fianc! Get an- date, will ensure that your handis scary no matter when you do gorgeous pictures for inspira- swers to your questions, advicewont cramp from the constantit. Procrastinating wont make tion! Plus, using a local mag- and special deals from localwriting. No need to bring a bagyour decision any easier! This is azine (like this one) helps youwedding experts, and inspira- to hold all of your pamphletswhy you shouldnt wait:find credible, local vendors. tion for your big day! You mayand goodieswe provide those The vendors at Todays Bride Online: even win prizes and giveaways.at the door! With everything from wed- Basically, you can plan yourWedding Shows are reliable ding blogs, Pinterest, socialentire wedding under one roof. Who should I bring? and experiencedthe best of media and websites, you canThats totally up to you! Wheth- the best! spend hours sorting throughWhat should I bring? er its just you and your fianc,You can get your date before ideas! Visit TodaysBride.comWe suggest bringing a penyour mom and maid/matronits booked by someone else.for access to printables, ven- and paper to take notes, yourof honor, or your entire bridal phone to add contacts andparty, we welcome anyone to The majority of vendors willdor reviews, and more! take pictures, and a calendar toour events! offer show specials. Wedding Shows: make appointments. You mayWho will be exhibiting? Youll save yourself timeShows are one-stop wed- decide to make a deposit, soWant to find out who youand stress.ding planning events. Meetbring along your checkbook orcan meet at the Todays Bride Yvendors, see the latest trends,credit card. Bringing along aShows? Visit TodaysBride.comou can access new trends and take advantage of showbinder of inspiration can be afor updated show dates andbefore they become popular.discounts! huge help when youre trying toexhibitor lists. Remember: Always read aconvey your ideas to vendors.contract fully before signing! WEDDING SHOWS|TODAYS BRIDE7'