b'OFF PATH PHOTOGRAPHYTYPES OF CEREMONIESIts easy to get caught up in planning your wedding reception, but its important to remember the true significance of the day. Wedding ceremonies are not one-size-fits-all events, so its essential to choose a style that feels personal and mean-ingful to both you and your partner.Civil ceremonies religious denomination or A civil ceremony is a non-re- tradition. It is often officiated by ligious wedding that focusessomeone who may be spiritual primarily on the legal aspects ofor ordained but does not adhere marriage, such as the exchangeto a particular faith or set of of vows and the signing of thereligious rules. This type of cer-marriage license. These ceremo- emony offers more flexibility for nies offer flexibility and can becouples who want a meaningful, customized to suit your personalspiritual service without strictly style and preferences. Whetherfollowing the rituals or customs you want a simple, elegant ser- of a single religion. Non-de-vice or a more playful, inclusivenominational ceremonies are celebration, your officiant canoften personalized to reflect the tailor the ceremony to reflectcouples values, beliefs, and pref-your relationship and vision. erences, making them ideal for Religious ceremonies interfaith couples or those seek-While a civil ceremony ising a more inclusive approach.enough to make your marriageVow renewal ceremonies LILY TAPIA PHOTOGRAPHY legally official, many couplesWhether youve been married also want their church or reli- for 5 or 50 years, a vow renewal gious community to recognizeceremony is a special way to their union as well. Religiousreaffirm your commitment after ceremonies, whether Christian,years of marriage. It can mark Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, ora significant milestone, such from another faith, often followas an anniversary, overcoming long-standing traditions andchallenges, or entering a new rituals. Each religion has specificphase in life. Vow renewals also customs, prayers, and rites thatprovide a chance to express may be integral to include in thegratitude, rekindle romance, ceremony. or include family and friends Non-denominationalwho couldnt attend the original ceremonies wedding. While an officiant isnt A non-denominational ceremo- necessary, many couples choose ny is a type of wedding that isone to help guide the ceremony spiritual or religious in natureand add a sense of formality or but is not tied to any specificmeaning to the occasion. JOY WILDFLOWER PHOTOGRAPHYCEREMONY SITES & OFFICIANTS|12+ MONTHS UNTIL I DO|TODAYS BRIDE 41'