b'BRIDAL SHOWERS MANGO STUDIOSALL ABOUT BRIDAL SHOWERSWant a fun way Who should host? Guest list Gamesto make yourTypically, the bridesmaids andYou never want to send an in- Bridal shower games canbridal showermaid of honor plan and host thevite to the bridal shower if thatreally liven up the party and are pictures cohesive?bridal shower, but duties can beperson wont be invited to thea great way for guests to find Try a theme liketaken over by other friends orwedding. It is most common toout more about the bride and family members. invite close friends and familyher future husband. Remember, Garden Party,Location of the bride, and sometimesnot all games have to have a Something Blue, orIf you cant host the shower atclose friends and family of thewinner or encourage compe-Pretty in Pink. your house, consider askinggroom as well. tition. You can set out a box other bridesmaids or parents ifMenu where people can write down they would be willing to host.When it comes to the food, con- fun date ideas for the newly It is also common to hold thesider the time of day the showermarried couple, offer words of bridal shower at a restaurant,will be held and your budget. Ifwisdom to keep their relation-"Consider allwinery, park, or banquet hall.you are on a tight budget andship strong, or guess the num-the venuesIf you do plan on hosting thethe party is mid-afternoon, youber of Hershey Kisses in a jar. that youvebridal shower somewhere othermay want to serve appetizersFavorsseen in this magazine to hostthan someones house, make theonly. If youre throwing an earlyParty favors should be a small your bridal shower! Receptionreservation as soon as possible.evening bash, you could simplygesture to thank the guests for venues are perfect spots forserve a spread of desserts. Becoming. It can be anything all wedding events like bridalTimeline careful of hosting the partyfrom an engraved wine glass showers, rehearsal dinners, andBridal showers are typicallyaround meal times, like lunchto a cute goody bag filled with welcome parties. Reference pageheld about three months or dinner, as guests may expectchocolates. No matter what it 56 for a full list! - Abby Crowder before the wedding. However,there to be a full meal ratheris, people will simply appreciate talk with the couple and makethan snacks.the thought.sure there are no conflicts.178TODAYS BRIDE|3-0 MONTHS UNTIL I DO |BRIDAL SHOWERS'