b'Be a sounding boardmember of the wedding party, The bride has been planningyou need to do your best to this day since childhood. Withshow up. If you do have a prior Pinterest, Instagram influencers,engagement, let the bride know and bridal magazines, shes far in advance that you wont be likely to have inspirationable to make it, so she can make overload! Listen to her ideasarrangements if need be.and offer your opinions andKeeping the bride saneadvice, but be gentle and readThe most important task of the context clues. If she seemsa bridesmaid is to calm the genuinely excited about an brides nerves, ease her fears andGREY GARDEN CREATIVE idea that youre not fond of, bestresses, and keep her sane. You supportive. Just because some- might have to deal with some thing is not your style doesntbridezilla moments. As a true mean its not a valid idea. Also,friend, youve probably seen her if she needs advice on how tobreak down before and know deal with her nosy mother-in- the best ways to comfort her. law or just needs to vent, offer aDealing with some yelling or listening ear and a shoulder tocomforting a bride in hysterics lean on. Most importantly, keepis part of the job description. whatever she says to yourself.Try not to let her outbursts get You dont want to be the reasonon your nerves or stress you she has to deal with drama out. Keep calm and help her see moments before her wedding. what really mattersthe love Attending she has for her fianc.SARAH BELL PHOTOSROSSINI PHOTOGRAPHY pre-wedding partiesHandling any issues that Emergencies excluded, arise on the wedding day there is no excuse for missingIf the bride chooses not tothe pre-wedding parties. hire a day-of planner, thisThese include: the bridal responsibility falls to theshower, bachelorette party, parents and wedding party.wedding dress shopping trips If a vendor needs directions,(if invited), bridesmaid dressit starts to rain, the ringsshopping trips, ceremonyare lost, or the bride or groom rehearsal, and rehearsal dinner.gets cold feet, it is up to you toThe majority of these eventscome up with a solutionhappen on separate days. and communicate it to theBeing a bridesmaid is a hugeproper people.time commitment! But as a Mix-and-match bridesmaid dresses are still a huge trend! Give them a color palette or theme and let them choose the dress, style, and color they prefer! Even consider letting your bridesmaids be your something blue. DANA CUBBAGE WEDDINGSTHE GREENS PHOTO36TODAYS BRIDE|12+ MONTHS UNTIL I DO|BRIDESMAIDS'