b'BRIDAL BEAUTY ROUTINEBridal beauty doesnt have to start and end on your wedding day. Incorporate these practices into your beauty regimen now so that you go into your wedding day feeling healthy, confi-dent, and beautifulbecause you are! BEAUTY TIMELINE3-8 months Find hair and makeupstylist(s) Create a skincare routine 1-2 months Get a manicure with a triallook for the wedding Get a facial 2-4 weeksHave a final hair and make-up trial appointment DAKAI PHOTOGRAPHYJANELLE CONNOR CO. PHOTOGRAPHYSENIVPETROGet a final hair trim andSkin Hair Wellness color touch-up Exfoliate once every two Switch to silk pillowcases.Fill up on high-protein foods.Week-of weeks.Use a microfiber towel.Drink water and cut outGet a manicure andUse a mask once a week.Skip the blow dryer and try airsugary drinks like soda.pedicure Moisturize, moisturize, drying instead.Develop an exercise plan. Get a full-body massagemoisturize.Only wash it three times a Practice yoga or meditation Get a facialUse fresh aloe. week or every other day. to clear your mind.Get a spray tan Drink lots of water.Get regular trimsabout Get at least eight hours ofGet good restWash your pillowcases andevery three to six months. sleep each night.Day-ofphone screen often.Use an at-home hair maskDont try any fad diets to loseAvoid touching your face. once every two weeks, orweight without talking to HydrationRemove your makeup every more often if your hair is dryyour doctor first.Self-Carenight before bed. or damaged.Enjoy!This or That? CHOOSE YOUR BEAUTY OPTIONSTanning bedsoffer a natural color, but they canFalse lashesare easy to apply and remove, with cause irreversible damage to your skin. You canvarious options for added length, volume, and adjust your tone based on the length of time anddrama. However, they arent long-lasting. After level of the bed, but they require pre-planninga full day of emotions, your lashes may be barely and a time commitment before the wedding. hanging on.Spray tansprovide instant results that dontLash extensionscan last up to two months, damage your skin. The only cons are that theywith each lash individually hand-glued for a dont last more than a few days, and you havenatural look. Make sure you try them before your to test it out at several appointments to find thewedding, as some people may react negatively to shade thats right for you.the glue. DANIELLE CARGILL PHOTOGRAPHYAirbrush foundationcreates a smooth, flawlessAcrylic/gel nailsare perfect if you want to add complexion. It provides the perfect base for thesome length, but they wreak havoc on your nail rest of your makeup and stays put all night long.beds. The length can last for months, but youll However, you have to hire a professional forneed a fill every two to three weeks, or else theyll proper application. start falling off. Using your own foundationwill ensure thatNatural nailsare the healthiest and most cost- you know exactly how your skin will react toeffective option. However, they are more suscep-the makeup. You can touch it up throughouttible to breaking than acrylic nails, and growing the night, but remember that it may not be aslong nails isnt an option for everybody. long-lasting or as photogenic as airbrush. SARAH ROLLING PHOTOGRAPHY94 TODAYS BRIDE|12-8 MONTHS UNTIL I DO|BEAUTY & HEALTH'