b'BAR BY THE NUMBERSThis bar calculator will offer you an idea of how much alcohol you should expect to serve at your reception. Keep in mind that these numbers may change according to your guest list. If your friends and family typically favor beer over wine, youll need to adjust the proportions accordingly so you dont run out of the most popular drink! We also suggest using the total guest list count to calculate the amounts. Although guests under 21 wont be drinking alcoholic beverages, its better to have too much than too littlejust in case some guests drink more than one drink an hour.STEP 1 GREY GARDEN CREATIVENUMBER OF GUESTS XNUMBER OF HOURS =TOTAL DRINKSX =*Use the total number of guests to account for guests who may drink a littlemore than the recommended 1 per hour.STEP 2SPLIT The numbers provided are the average split.Change the numbers to fit your guests tastes.TOTAL DRINKS XLIQUOR 30% = SERVINGS OF LIQUORX .3 =TOTAL DRINKS XBEER 20% = SERVINGS OF BEERX .2 =TOTAL DRINKS XWINE 50% = SERVINGS OF WINEX .5 = DANA CUBBAGE WEDDINGSWHITNEY HEARD PHOTOGRAPHY STEP 3ONE BOTTLE OF. *Be sure to round the number of bottles to the closest whole number!SERVINGS OF LIQUOR LIQUOR (18 SERVINGS) = BOTTLES OF LIQUOR 18SERVINGS OF BEER BEER (1 SERVING) = BOTTLES OF BEER 1SERVINGS OF WINE WINE (4 SERVINGS) = BOTTLES OF WINE 4DONT FORGETTHE CHAMPAGNE TOAST! Count the number of guests over 21.NUMBER OF GUESTS CHAMPAGNE (8 SERVINGS) = BOTTLES OF CHAMPAGNE 8SPARKING GRAPE JUICE Count the number of guests under 21 or do not drink alcohol.NUMBER OF GUESTS GRAPE JUICE (8 SERVINGS) = BOTTLES OF JUICE 8Hate math? Download an Excel file to help you figureout your bar numbers at TodaysBride.com/drinks DANIELLE HARRIS PHOTOGRAPHY80TODAYS BRIDE|12-8 MONTHS UNTIL I DO|BAR SERVICE'