b'GIFT REGISTRYSHOPPING FOR GIFTSTiming and availabilityMake it personalGroup gifting By the time your bridal showerYour registry should reflectMany registries now allow for invitations are sent out, youryour personality and lifestylegroup gifting, where guests can registry should be fully pre- as a couple. Its no longer aboutcontribute to a larger gift like a pared and accessible to yoursticking to the traditionalpiece of furniture or an expen-guests. Ideally, you should startwhats expected list. Do yousive experience. Mentioning building your registry aroundboth love to cook? Register forthis feature when communi-"Itsthe same time you send outthat high-quality chefs knifecating about your registry can importantyour save-the-dates, about 12 toor the pasta maker youve hadencourage friends or family to stay8 months before your wedding.your eye on. Are you both fit- members to collaborate on a organized when receiving giftsThis allows guests attendingness enthusiasts? Add items likegift that might be out of ones from different events! We found itearlier celebrations like engage- yoga mats or smart fitness gear.price range.easiest to keep track of who pur- ment parties or bridal showersMake sure the list feels tailoredRegistry links chased what in a Google Sheet,to have access. Regularly updateto your life together. Be sure to provide easy ac-where we would track who pur- it as needed, removing anyPrice rangescess to your registry. You can chased, what they sent/gave, anditems that have been purchasedIts crucial to include itemsinclude a small insert with when a thank you was writtenand adding new ones.across a wide price range toregistry information in your for that gift. We were shocked atWhere to register accommodate every guestsbridal shower invites or simply how many gifts would just arriveWhile its suggested to registerbudget. Guests appreciate thelink it to your wedding website at our doorstep! And a word ofat 3-6 different places, makeflexibility of choosing a giftfor convenience. Avoid adding advice: hop on the thank-youssure to choose a variety ofthat aligns with their relation- registry information directly to quickly so you dont get over- retailers that cater to your styleship to you and their finances.the wedding invitation, as tra-whelmed with too many to writeand preferences. Include bothFrom smaller items like pictureditional etiquette still suggests at one time. - Abby Crowder online and physical stores toframes and glassware to high- keeping the focus on the event make it easy for guests wither-ticket items such as furnitureitself.different shopping habits. Con- or experiences, a diverse regis- Not sure what to put sider a mix of large departmenttry ensures every guest can findon your registry? Weve stores and specialty shops. something to contribute. got you covered!170TODAYS BRIDE|8-3 MONTHS UNTIL I DO|GIFT REGISTRY'