b'ITS A SIGNThe importance of signs Our favorite trendsYour guests most likely haveBesides giving direction and never been to your venueguidance, signs should reflect before. Theyll probably feelthe style and theme of theuncomfortable and nervous,wedding. Embellished gold having no idea where to go orframes, antique and ornate what to expect. Properly placedmirrors, reclaimed wood, and signs put your guests worriesacrylic are all popular materi-to rest, allowing them to fullyals to use for your signs. Slate, enjoy the wedding. three-dimensional cutouts andALYSSA MASTERS PHOTOGRAPHY D-I-why? etched metal are on the rise, Working with a professionalreplacing chalkboard signs for lowers your stress levels anda more industrial look that can saves you money! While signwork in many settings!specialists can create customOpting for a custom sign that signs for your wedding, theycan hang in your home forever also have a collection of rent- is also a popular trend this wed-alslike Sign our Guestbook,ding season. Consider getting Gifts, and table numbersof- the lyrics from your first dance, fered at a much lower rate! Plus,a quote from your favorite mov-they know all the signs you willie or book, a scripture passage, need that you may have forgot- or an excerpt from your vows ten about, like reserved seatingprinted on canvas. Or showcase at the ceremony or directions tomaps or dates of your first date, the restrooms.proposal, and wedding day!ALYSSA MASTERS PHOTOGRAPHY ALYSSA MASTERS PHOTOGRAPHYALYSSA MASTERS PHOTOGRAPHY140 TODAYS BRIDE|WAYNE COUNTY WEDDINGS'