b'BOUDOIR Q + AWhat is a boudoir shoot? about. Theyll direct you towilling to replace the engage-A boudoir shoot is an intimatearch, bend, and twist in a wayment shoot with this. Ask your and personal session where thesimilar to yoga to add round- photographer about differentB. FROHMAN IMAGING + DESIGN photographer captures the bodyness to your booty and chestoptions and review the details in a positive and sensual way.while making your stomachand expectations before signing What do I wear?look toned and your legs looka contract. This shoot may be outside oflong. Using lighting and shoot- What else should I know?your comfort zone. These pho- ing from different angles toAfter having boudoir photos tos are meant to make you feelenhance your beauty, the pho- taken, youll feel beautiful, beautiful and glamorous in yourtographer will ensure that youempowered, sexy, and confi-skin. Wear whatever makes youare showcasing your best self! dentall the things you want feel confident and sexy, wheth- What are the details ofto feel on your wedding day! er thats a robe, lingerie, yourthe shoot itself?Theyre designed to make you wedding veil, or even nothingThe shoot can take anywherefeel gorgeous, whether you are at all. You can get creative byfrom 60 to 90 minutes, notabout to say I Do, are celebrat-wearing your partners favoriteincluding prep time. Someing a milestone, or just want toB. FROHMAN IMAGING + DESIGN sports jersey, leather jacket,photographers may have hairstep out of your comfort zone work tie, or posing with a propand makeup included in theirand try something new.like a guitar!packages, while others willThese shoots arent only for What if Im self-conscious?expect you to arrive ready tosize-2 models. No matter your The photographer poses you inshoot. Most wedding photog- skin tone, weight, sexuality,ways that capture the featuresraphy packages dont includeor gender, a boudoir shoot will you love most and hide thea boudoir shoot, althoughleave you feeling self-assured, areas youre not as confidentsome photographers may befearless, and invincible.B. FROHMAN IMAGING + DESIGNPHOTOGRAPHY|12+ MONTHS UNTIL I DO|TODAYS BRIDE 71'