b'8-12 MONTHS PHOTO BOOTHRETRO PARTY CO RETRO PARTY COSHAUNA VEASEY PHOTOGRAPHY ANNA DELORES PHOTOGRAPHYQUESTIONS TO ASK Strike a pose! Have you worked at my venue before? Photo booths serve as the perfect guest book or party favor, and your guests will have so much fun posing. From props to backdrops and new technologies, weve laid out all the How many hours will it be available? details you need to know before booking a photo booth.Will you close during Size & space forget about good old-fash- before the entertainmentdinner?Small kiosks allow for priva- ioned props. Perfect for bothgets started!How much space do you cy. Guests can make funnyan enclosed kiosk or a photoneed? faces and strike silly poseslounge, props add an element Photo albums &Will your staff work the without worrying about anof playfulness and personaliza- social media sharingwedding? audience watching them. Thetion to your photos.Both you and your guests willDo guests get copies of thewant to share these fun photos downside to the classic booth photos? is that theres a limit on howNew technology on social media. Luckily, this Will I get copies of the many people can fit into oneOther options that may beoption is included in many photos? In what format?shot. With an open-air lounge,available are video or mirrorpackages or can be added with photo booths. Video booths aremost photo booth companies!Can the photos be postedguests can pose in small or to social media?large groups. They have morea great way for guests to leaveAlbums are a common way to you a message or advice. Mirrorcollect and view all of the pho- Is there a limit to thefreedom to pose, but they mayphoto booths take the iconictos taken in the booth. Before number of photos? feel self-conscious with othersmirror selfie to the next level.booking your photo booth, ask Will the photos be postedwatching. Guests can see what their photoyour rental company if they on your website? When? Backdrops & props will look like before its taken,provide these options. If theyCan I customize the photos?If youve decided to have anwhich generally makes fordo provide a memory album, beDo you provide props?open air photo booth, you canbetter photos. And, an addedsure that two sets of photos can have a custom-made backdropbenefit of this new trend is thatbe printed: one for your album Dont forget to ask the generalor a green screen. And dontthe mirror can double as decorand one for the guest.questions on page 4102 TODAYS BRIDE|8-12 MONTHS UNTIL I DO|PHOTO BOOTH'