b'Different bouquet shapesBouquets come in all shapes and sizes! While scrolling through Pinterest or Instagram and searching the photos in ourmagazine, you probably have picked a few favorite designs. But have you noticed their shapes? Identifying the shape ofthe bouquets you like will make it easier to communicate your ideas to your florist. ERICH MCVEY PHOTOGRAPHYJESSICA RAPHAEL PHOTOGRAPHYKRISTINE HERMAN PHOTOGRAPHYDANIELLE HARRIS PHOTOGRAPHYRound Hand-Tied Asymmetrical NosegayRound bouquets arent shapedThe stems of hand-tied bou- One of the most popular bou- A nosegay bouquet is very like a sphere or ball. They getquets are tied together in a loosequet shapes among brides todaydefined and perfectly arranged. their name from their roundedarrangement, giving them moreis the asymmetrical bouquet.The flowers are all the same top. They are one of the mostvolume. They tend to feature aThere is no specific shape orlength and it has a rounded top, traditional bouquets when itvariety of shapes, colors, anddesign to adhere to; florists get aso add diversity by mixing up comes to weddings, and theytextures with lots of greenerybit of freedom in their creations!the type and color of flowers. tend to have more flowers thanand filler, giving the impressionWhile the center of the bouquetThe stems are wrapped tightly to greenery. The stems are tightlythat the bride just picked hercontains the brides choice ofeach other, making it easier to tied with ribbon or twine andflowers from a meadow beforeflowers, filler flowers and green- hold and perfect for a bouquet consist of fewer types of flowers.walking down the aisle.ery extend to the right and left. toss. BEN YEW PHOTOGRAPHYJAMES BOLD PHOTOGRAPHYNATURAL BEAUTIES FLORALJUSTINE MILTON PHOTOGRAPHYPosy Cascade Composite PageantThe posys smaller nature makesA cascade bouquet has recent- This design is most commonPageant or presentationposy bouquets ideal for moth- ly become a favorite amongwith paper and silk flowers, asbouquets lay in the crook of er-of, flower girl, and brides- fairytale and garden weddings.they can be quite difficult to your elbow, similar to how maid bouquets. Theyre a moreResembling an upside downcreate using real blooms. Theyyou would hold a baby. Longer affordable option due to theirteardrop, the top curves like atake a lot of creativity andstemmed flowers, like orchids, smaller stem count and flowerround bouquet and the flowerstinkering to get them perfect.calla lilies, lavender, and snap-size. Theyre much lighter inliterally cascade down in frontTheyre very unique and willdragons, are perfect for layering weight and less substantial. of the stems.certainly make a statement. in this type of bouquet.FLOWERS|3-8 MONTHS UNTIL I DO|TODAYS BRIDE 129'