b'3-8 MONTHS DECOR & RENTALS DANIELLE HARRIS PHOTOGRAPHY EMILY MILLAY PHOTOGRAPHYAXIOO BALIShould I rent or buy?You may want to buy yourto be made, but you will be decor so you can try to resellreusing these items the first it and get your money back.two Rs in Reduce, Reuse, and However, youll have to cleanRecycle! Plus, this eliminates it, transport it, store it, and waitthe need for disposable napkins until the wedding season comesand stemware, and rental com-around to try to sell it. Tryingpanies usually have industrial to resell your decor is muchwashers, allowing them to wash more frustrating, annoying, andall linens together rather than in difficult than you expect, and10 different loads as youd have we want to save you from thatto do. struggle.Finally, renting is often more There is another option, onecost-effective than buying decor.BUTTERFLY KISSES PHOTOGRAPHY that will save you from pullingRental companies will usually out your own hair: renting yourgive a discount for bulk rentals decor. When you rent yourand offer a variety of products decor, someone will come setin different prices ranges so it up, and theyll come back toyou can find the perfect decor tear it down. They will ensurefor your style and budget. Not nothing breaks on the wayto mention if you dont end up to your wedding, and will doselling those chalkboard signs, all the cleaning of the linensclear vases, or silk bouquets, and napkins afterward. Plus,youre eating the cost you paid renting is a more eco-friendly,for them while they take up sustainable option! By renting,space and collect dust. Save you will not only be reducingyourself the stress, save some the amount of items like dishes,money, and save the planet by linens, and furniture that needsrenting decor! DAKAI PHOTOGRAPHYCAVIN ELIZABETH PHOTOGRAPHY140 TODAYS BRIDE|3-8 MONTHS UNTIL I DO|DECOR & RENTALS'