b'FROM THE PUBLISHERLeading Todays Bride into a new eraCongratulations on youryears behind us, we continue tohave made us the trusted re-engagement!evolve and adapt to the ev- source we are today. Along with I take great pleasure in extend- er-changing wedding landscapeour entire staff, she will contin-ing a warm welcome to you forof Northeast Ohio. I am thrilledue to explore new and exciting the 2024 Todays Bride Mag- about the fresh perspective andpossibilities to expand our azine. As the years pass, ourunwavering commitment Abbyreach and engagement within commitment to providing youwill bring to the magazine. the local bridal community.with the most comprehensiveAbby has been a vital part ofIn conclusion, I want to express content to guide you throughour team since 2019, workingmy gratitude for choosing the exhilarating process oftirelessly to transform TodaysTodays Bride Magazine as your planning your dream weddingBride Magazine & Weddingpartner in this exciting plan-Jim Frericks, Editor-in-Chief remains unwavering. Wheth- Shows into a trusted sourcening adventure. Embrace your editorial@todaysbride.com er youre a traditionalist or aof inspiration and advice foruniqueness and craft a wed-trailblazing trendsetter, we arecountless engaged couples.ding that authentically reflects here to serve as your guidingHer unwavering dedication toyour love story. Remember, as star, ensuring that your specialexcellence, creative vision, andyou embark on this incredible Abby Frericks, Editor-in-Chief day shines as brightly as yourher passion for celebrating lovejourney, that the heart of any abbyf@todaysbride.com unique love story. and unity have set her apart as awedding is the love you and Furthermore, it brings merising leader in the industry. your partner share. While the QUESTIONS TO ASK immense joy and pride toI am confident that Abby willdetails, planning, and celebra-introduce my daughter, Abbylead Todays Bride Magazinetions are beautiful additions, Remember to Frericks, as the incominginto a new era, dedicated toyour love will forever remain ask all the vendors: Editor-in-Chief of Todaysupholding the high standardsthe focal point.Am I your only client that day? Bride starting in 2024. With 35of quality and authenticity thatBest wishes and good luck! Will you personally beworking my wedding?Youre engaged! Now what?Do you have insurancecoverage?Choose a dateHow many years ofDecide which season you want experience do you have? to get married in and then Are there additional fees? choose a month. Keep yourCan I get a venue in mind when choosing acontract in writing?season, and be flexible with the Never make a deposit without adates, as your preferred venue written contract! may be booked on that date.Is gratuity included?Create a budgetHow far in advanceThe average Northeastshould I book you? Ohio wedding costs $22,000-Will your staff require$50,000. If anyone will bea meal at the reception?contributing to your wedding, Can I customize a package?get an idea of what theyrewilling to provide so you know Other things to discuss: how much you need to save. Dress codeMake a wedding email Cancellation/refund policy Over the next few months, youllEquipment (who will be providing it, and if there arebe meeting a lot of people and any additional fees)collecting tons of information.Payment plans/due dates Its super convenient to haveArrival/departure times everything stored in one inbox and it protects you from spamEmergency plansOJKB PHOTOGRAPHY after your wedding.Visit TodaysBride.com/Join for more wedding planning tips and resources.4TODAYS BRIDE'